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A Retirement Income Roadmap for Women For Nokia Employees

Recent studies have shown that women tend to face unique financial challenges during retirement, including longer life expectancies, lower lifetime earnings, and increased healthcare costs. According to a report by the National Institute on Retirement Security published in March 2021, women are 80% more likely than men to be impoverished at age 65 and older. To address these challenges, experts recommend that women take steps to create a retirement income roadmap that includes maximizing Social Security benefits, saving aggressively, and investing in a diversified portfolio. Additionally, women may want to consider purchasing long-term care insurance to protect against unexpected healthcare costs in retirement.

It's important for you to be involved in the retirement  income planning process even

if you're married.  While you may plan to be married forever,  many  women

end up single at some point in their  lives due to divorce or death of a spouse.  

More women than ever before are employed and responsible for their own retirement planning. What does it mean to you to retire from Nokia? Do you yearn to travel? Pursuing a pastime? Volunteering or establishing a new profession or business? Spending additional time with your grandchildren? Regardless of your objective, you will need a retirement income plan that is designed to support your desired retirement lifestyle and minimize the risk of outliving your savings.

When Will You Retire From Nokia?

Establishing a target age is essential, as the age at which you retire from Nokia will have a significant impact on the amount you must save. For instance, if you retire early from Nokia at age 55 instead of waiting until age 67, you will have 12 fewer years to accumulate funds and more years to live off your retirement savings. Additionally, we'd like Nokia customers to consider:

  • The longer you delay your Nokia retirement, the longer you have to accumulate tax-deferred funds in your IRAs and Nokia-sponsored plans such as 401(k)s, or accrue benefits in a traditional pension plan if you're fortunate enough to be covered.
  • Medicare coverage typically begins at age 65. Does Nokia provide post-retirement medical benefits? Are you eligible for coverage if you leave Nokia before your retirement age? Do you have health insurance through the employer of your spouse? If not, you may need to consider COBRA or a private individual policy, which may be costly.
  • At age 62, you can begin obtaining your Social Security retirement benefit. However, your benefit may be reduced by 25% to 30% compared to if you had waited until complete retirement age. If you delay your Nokia retirement past the age of complete retirement, you may be able to increase your Social Security retirement benefit.
  • If you work part-time during retirement, you will earn money and rely less on your retirement savings, allowing more of your savings to grow for the future (and you may also have access to affordable health care).
  • Consider staggering your retirements if you and your spouse are both employed and approach retirement age and are married Nokia customers. If one spouse earns substantially more than the other, it is typically prudent for the higher-earning spouse to continue working in order to maximize current income and ease the transition into retirement.

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How Long Will Retirement Last When You Leave Nokia?

We all aspire to live to a ripe old age, but a longer life means you'll have to fund more retirement years. As women tend to live longer than males, the problem is especially acute for them. To protect against the possibility of outliving your investments, you must calculate your life expectancy. You can estimate your life expectancy using government statistics, life insurance tables, or life expectancy calculators. These estimates are based on your age, gender, race, health, lifestyle, and profession, as well as your familial history. However, Nokia customers must keep in mind that these are only estimates. It's impossible to predict how long you'll actually live, but given rising life expectancies, it's probably safest to presume you'll outlive your expectations.

Project Your Retirement Expenses

Once you've determined when your Nokia retirement will likely begin, how long it may last, and the type of retirement lifestyle you desire, it's time to estimate how much money you'll need. Underestimating the amount you'll need to save by the time you retire from Nokia is one of the biggest retirement planning errors you can make. It is commonly stated that you will need 70 to 80 percent of your pre-retirement income in retirement. However, the issue with this strategy is that it does not account for your unique circumstances.

Consider whether your current expenses will remain the same, increase, decrease, or even disappear by the time you retire from Nokia. While some expenses, such as a mortgage or commuting costs, may diminish as you age, others, such as health care and insurance, may increase. If travel or hobbies will be a part of your retirement, be sure to include the associated expenditures. Also, remember to consider the prospective impact of inflation and taxes.

Identify Your Sources of Income

The next stage, after determining your retirement income requirements, is to evaluate your (or you and your spouse's) ability to meet those needs. In other terms, what retirement income sources will you have access to? Nokia may provide a traditional pension plan with periodic benefits. In addition, it is likely that Social Security will contribute to your retirement income. Other sources of retirement income may include IRAs, annuities, and other investments.

The quantity of income you receive from these sources depends on the amount you invest, the rate of return on your investments, and other variables. Lastly, if you intend to work during your Nokia retirement, your earnings will be an additional source of income. When you compare your projected expenses to your expected sources of retirement income, you may discover that you will not have sufficient funds to meet your needs and objectives. This difference, or 'gap,' must be closed as part of your retirement income strategy. In general, if you face a shortfall, you have five options: save more now, delay your Nokia retirement or work during retirement, attempt to increase the returns on your retirement assets, find new sources of retirement income, or reduce your retirement spending.

Transitioning Into Retirement

Even after that special day arrives, you will continue to have responsibilities. So that your retirement savings last as long as you need them to, you will need to carefully manage your assets.

  • We recommend that our Nokia clients regularly evaluate their portfolios. According to conventional wisdom, retirees should prioritize the security of their principal above all else. As a result, as they approach retirement, some individuals transfer their portfolio towards fixed-income investments, such as bonds and money market accounts. The issue with this strategy is that you will effectively lose purchasing power if your investment returns do not maintain pace with inflation. While it is generally prudent for your portfolio to become increasingly conservative as you age, it may be prudent to maintain at least a portion in growth investments.

  • Spend carefully. You should avoid spending too much too quickly. This can be a significant temptation, especially in the early stages of retirement. A decent rule of thumb is to withdraw no more than 4 to 6 percent of your portfolio annually. (The appropriate percentage will depend on a number of factors, including the duration of your payout period and the asset allocation of your portfolio.) Keep in mind that if you deplete your principal too rapidly, you may not be able to earn enough on the remaining principal to sustain you in later years.
  • Understand your distribution options for your retirement plan. The majority of pension programs provide benefits as an annuity. The majority of our Nokia clients who are married must choose between a larger retirement benefit that terminates upon the death of their spouse and a smaller retirement benefit that continues in whole or in part for the surviving spouse. A financial expert can assist you with this difficult but crucial decision.
  • Consider which assets to utilize initially. In theory, the answer for many retirees is straightforward: withdraw funds from taxable accounts first, then tax-deferred accounts, and finally tax-free accounts. By using tax-favored accounts last and deferring taxes for as long as possible, you will keep more of your retirement funds working for you. However, we would like to remind Nokia customers that this approach is not suitable for everyone. And remember to account for mandated distributions. You are required to begin drawing minimum distributions from Nokia retirement plans and traditional IRAs at age 72, regardless of whether or not you require them. Plan to use these funds first during retirement.
  • Consider an immediate annuity purchase. Annuities offer a unique benefit: a guaranteed income stream for the remainder of your life or for the lifetimes of you and your spouse combined (although this guarantee is contingent on the claims-paying ability and financial strength of the issuer). In the context of retirement income planning, the apparent benefit is that an annuity allows you to lock in a predictable, risk-free annual income stream that you cannot outlive.** Sadly, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to retirement income planning. A financial professional can evaluate your situation, assist you in evaluating your options, and help you develop an appropriate plan.
  • Conclusion

    A Retirement Income Roadmap for Women is like a GPS for a road trip. Just as a GPS helps drivers navigate through unfamiliar terrain to reach their destination, a Retirement Income Roadmap guides women towards a financially secure retirement. By providing a clear path with step-by-step directions, it helps women avoid financial roadblocks and detours that can derail their retirement plans. Just as drivers need to stay alert and adjust their route when necessary, women also need to regularly review and update their retirement plan to ensure they stay on course and reach their financial goals.

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    For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Nokia at 600 mountain avenue Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636; or by calling them at 972-374-3000.


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