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Life Expectancies are Increasing, but Most Americans Cannot Afford a Retirement Over 20 Years. How can Kimberly-Clark Retirees Make Their Savings Last?


Retirement is a phase in life that allows individuals to savor the companionship of loved ones, explore new passions, and indulge in well-deserved relaxation. However, financial concerns often overshadow the joy of these golden years, affecting the retirement dreams of many Americans. A recent survey conducted by Edward Jones in collaboration with Age Wave revealed that only 30% of Americans believe they can afford a retirement lasting over 20 years. Astonishingly, while 69% aspire to live to the age of 100, the average retirement age, according to Gallup, is 62, which means a substantial financial marathon of approximately 38 years to sustain such longevity.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore five essential steps to thriving in retirement, designed to empower both pre-retirees and existing retirees from Kimberly-Clark to enhance their financial security and make the most of their golden years.

  1. Reduce or Eliminate Debt: Debt can be a significant obstacle in securing a comfortable retirement. The Employee Benefit Research Institute and Greenwald Research found that 47% of workers and 24% of retirees believe debt negatively affects their retirement savings and lifestyle. To address this, consider implementing the following strategies:

a) Paying off Higher-Interest Debts: Prioritize paying more than the minimum on higher-interest debts, such as credit cards, to avoid excessive interest charges.

b) Accelerate Mortgage Payments: If possible, make extra payments directly towards the principal balance of your mortgage, reducing the overall interest paid and providing financial relief.

c) Downsize to a Smaller Home: Consider downsizing to a more cost-effective residence and use the extra funds to pay off debts, granting you greater financial freedom.

  1. Save Diligently During Your Working Years: Saving consistently throughout your working years is paramount for building a robust retirement fund. The power of compound interest can significantly multiply your savings over time. Encourage these actions:

a) Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans: Take advantage of employer-sponsored retirement plans, like a 401(k), and contribute as much as possible. Employers' matching contributions can boost your savings growth.

b) Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs): If your workplace does not offer a retirement plan, open an IRA to enjoy tax advantages while saving for retirement.

  1. Obtain Supplemental Health Insurance: Healthcare expenses can be a substantial financial burden in retirement. Fidelity Investments estimates that a single person aged 65 in 2023 may need approximately $157,500 in after-tax savings to cover health-related expenses. To mitigate this risk, explore supplemental health insurance options, such as Medigap policies, which can bridge the gap between basic Medicare coverage and out-of-pocket expenses:

a) Medicare Part C and D: Consider enrolling in Medicare Part C and D plans to receive coverage for prescription drugs and medical expenses not covered by standard Medicare.

b) Long-Term Care Insurance: Explore long-term care insurance to cover expenses related to assisted living and nursing home care.

  1. Follow a Comprehensive Financial Plan and Budget: Creating and adhering to a well-crafted financial plan is essential for securing a stable retirement. Kimberly-Clark retirees who developed and followed a financial plan reported significant improvements in their well-being. Consider these steps:

a) Engage with a Financial Planner: Seek professional advice from a financial planner to craft a comprehensive financial plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.

b) Implement Budgeting Strategies: Utilize budgeting tools, spreadsheets, or mobile apps to develop a budget that aligns with your financial objectives.

  1. Seek Support from Government and Social Services: Government and social services can provide invaluable assistance to retirees, yet many fail to take advantage of these resources. Uncover the support available to ensure a more secure retirement:

a) Access Public Benefit Guides: Familiarize yourself with the public benefit guides provided by your state, offering essential information on available services.

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b) Contact Local Senior Centers: Reach out to your local senior center for guidance on accessing support programs catered to retirees.

Conclusion: Embarking on a secure and fulfilling retirement requires proactive financial planning and informed decision-making. By taking these five strategic steps, retirees and pre-retirees alike can enhance their financial security, bridge the gap between their retirement aspirations and reality, and embrace their golden years with confidence and joy. Remember, the journey to a rewarding retirement begins with empowering yourself through financial 'course corrections,' setting the stage for a future filled with cherished moments with loved ones, exciting hobbies, and a well-deserved sense of relaxation.

According to a recent study published by the National Institute on Aging in 2022, engaging in regular physical activity during retirement can have significant benefits for both physical and mental health. The research suggests that staying physically active can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles and bones, and reduce the risk of chronic conditions. Additionally, it can enhance cognitive function, reduce stress, and promote a positive outlook on life. For our 60-year-old audience, incorporating regular exercise into their retirement routine can be a valuable and enjoyable way to ensure a fulfilling and healthy long life.

'Discover 5 key 'course corrections' to thrive in retirement! Improve your financial security as you explore new hobbies and enjoy time with family and friends. Research shows that 69% of Americans want to live to age 100, but only 30% feel confident in affording a retirement lasting 20+ years (Edward Jones, Age Wave, 2022). Learn how to reduce debt, save wisely, obtain supplemental health insurance, follow a comprehensive financial plan, and seek government support (Employee Benefit Research Institute, Fidelity Investments). Don't miss out on securing your golden years—take action now! Find tips for a fulfilling future, from paying off debt to maximizing Medicare coverage. Embrace your retirement dreams with confidence!'

'Embarking on retirement without proper financial planning is like setting sail on a grand adventure without a map or compass. Just as most sailors dream of exploring the vast ocean and reaching uncharted lands, many Americans, including Kimberly-Clark employees, aspire to live to age 100, savoring every moment of their golden years. However, the reality is that only a minority can afford a retirement lasting 20+ years. Just as skilled navigators make course corrections to stay on track and reach their desired destination, retirees can take five strategic 'course corrections' to ensure a prosperous and fulfilling retirement. By reducing debt, saving diligently, securing supplemental health insurance, following a financial plan, and seeking support, retirees can navigate the waters of retirement with confidence and sail toward a brighter future.'

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