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Find Out if Your Employer Retirement Plan Is Working for You For Cummins Inc Employees?

Whether you're retiring or just changing jobs, knowing what to do with your hard-earned retirement plan savings can be difficult. Employer-sponsored plans, such as a 401(k)s, may make up the majority of your retirement savings, but do you know enough about these options to fully take advantage of all the benefits? The inherent difficulties of retirement decision-making that come with deciding when and how to manage your retirement savings are, also, unfortunately compounded by the innumerable rules that vary from one retirement plan to the next.

'Increasing your investment balance and reducing taxes is the key to a successful retirement plan spending strategy.' photography of foot tracks on seashore

As stated above, increasing your investment balance and reducing taxes is the key to a successful retirement plan spending strategy. Discussing your options with an advisor can aid you in deciding how to make the most out of navigating your plan, mapping out the best possible outcome of your retirement savings. An advisor can make the key difficult decisions around retirement planning easy, which will paint the overall picture of your financial future.

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'Workers are far more likely to rely on their workplace defined contribution (DC) retirement plans as a source of income. 8 in 10 believe this will be a major or minor source of income in retirement. 3 in 4 expect income to come from their personal retirement savings or investments.'

     - Employee Benefit Research Institute

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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Cummins Inc at 500 jackson st Columbus, IN 47201; or by calling them at 812-377-5000.

Cummins Inc*

Plan Administrator:
500 jackson st
Columbus, IN

*Please see disclaimer for more information