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What is Financial PTSD For Phillips 66 Employees?

For any of our clients from Phillips 66 who had assets invested in the stock market in 2008, odds are, you experienced post-traumatic stress following the market collapse and succeeding crisis.

When we think about post-traumatic stress disorder, we typically envision combat, tornadoes, and hurricanes. But we'd like to remind our Phillips 66 clients that PTSD is not limited to life-threatening events. Events threatening financial security (and even career security) can be very traumatic.

'PTSD is not limited to life-threatening events. Events threatening financial security (and even career security) can be very traumatic.' person wearing yellow raincoat walking in the street


A study reported in the Oxford Health & Social Work Journal examined the risk of PTSD associated with sudden and dramatic personal financial loss.  The authors conducted a survey of 173 Madoff victims and found that 58% met the criteria for a PTSD diagnosis, 61% acknowledged high levels of anxiety, 58% were depressed and 34% had health-related issues. Moreover, 90% of these victims felt a substantial loss of confidence in any financial institutions.

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We know from Dr. Abraham Maslow that when people have their security threatened through any event, all of their confidence and self-esteem can be destroyed, and they then focus all of their attention on searching for recovery.

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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Phillips 66 at 2331 citywest blvd Houston, TX 77042; or by calling them at 281-293-6600.

Phillips 66*

Plan Administrator:
2331 citywest blvd
Houston, TX

*Please see disclaimer for more information