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Despite Concerns, Retirement Confidence Remains Steady for Medical Mutual of Ohio Employees

As a Medical Mutual of Ohio employee, it is worthy to acknowledge that nearly three quarters of workers and 77% of retirees in a recent survey said they remain at least somewhat confident that they will experience a comfortable retirement, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute. Nevertheless, a third of workers and a quarter of retirees felt less confident this year due to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, with many respondents citing inflation as the reason.

Not surprisingly, those feeling less confident were also more likely to report poor health, lower income and saving rates, and higher debt. Women were much more likely than men to report lower confidence levels. For Medical Mutual of Ohio employees, this article evaluates retirement confidence and provides insight into the current retirement scene.


In the 2022 Retirement Confidence Survey, more retirees reported higher-than-expected expenses overall compared to 2021, with notable jumps in the housing and travel, entertainment, and leisure categories. With that under consideration, it is important for employees of Medical Mutual of Ohio companies to account for increase in expenses when planning future finances.

Despite these findings, 67% of workers and 72% of retirees were at least somewhat confident they will have enough money to keep up with the rising cost of living during retirement, and similar percentages were at least somewhat confident they would have enough money to last a lifetime. The majority of retirees said their retirement lifestyle has generally met their expectations, while a quarter actually said they're experiencing a better-than-expected retirement. For Medical Mutual of Ohio employees planning to retire, this measure indicates the necessity of ensuring adequate conditions prior to retiring in order to promote longevity of your current lifestyle. 

Top financial-planning priorities
When asked about their top three long-term financial-planning priorities, saving and investing for retirement made the list for both workers and retirees. For Medical Mutual of Ohio employees, these financial planning priorities might serve as reference towards future plans.



  • Saving and investing for retirement (59%)
  • Planning for future health and long-term care needs (36%)
  • Developing a strategy for drawing income in retirement (30%)




  • Planning for future health and long-term care needs (48%)
  • Saving and investing for retirement (32%)
  • Being able to leave an inheritance to your children or other family members and developing a strategy for drawing income in retirement (tied at 31%)

Savings and confidence hurdles
For Medical Mutual of Ohio employees contemplating retirement, the survey also highlighted a few challenges workers and retirees face when it comes to achieving a comfortable retirement. More than four in 10 workers said that college savings or payments are limiting how much they can save, and nearly half said that debt has had a negative impact. Similarly, more than a quarter of retirees said debt has hampered their ability to live comfortably. As a Medical Mutual of Ohio employee, it is crucial to account for debt when planning to save for retirement as to cash flow conflicts.

It is also relevant for Medical Mutual of Ohio employees contemplating retirement to understand that four in ten workers and two in ten retirees do not know where to go for financial guidance. More than a third of workers and 21% of retirees said they rely on family and friends, while just 29% of workers and 38% of retirees said they work with a financial professional. Of those workers not currently working with a financial professional, 45% said they expect to do so in the future, up from 38% in 2021. As a Medical Mutual of Ohio employee, it is strongly encouraged to retire while working with a financial professional to avoid shortfalls.

On the positive side, both workers and retirees who work with financial professionals said they were their most trusted resource.

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