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Ernst & Young Employees Working Remotely May Run into These Tax Hurdles

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only forced businesses to adopt remote work but has also accelerated a trend that was already on the rise. Even before the pandemic, the number of Americans working from home was increasing steadily. Between 2005 and 2019, the number of people regularly working remotely grew by an impressive 216% (GlobalWorkplaceAnalytics.com, 2021), especially for top companies. As millions of Americans have now begun to return to the office, the option to continue telecommuting either part- or full-time has become the norm (McKinsey and Company, 2022). However, while working from home offers numerous benefits, such as reduced commuting expenses and increased schedule flexibility, it also presents certain challenges in terms of tax obligations.

Here are four key tax issues to be mindful of if you work from home or employ remote workers at a company like Ernst & Young:

  1. Withholding Tax from Wages

The ability to work remotely has enabled many individuals to move to new states, both in metropolitan areas and smaller cities. This mobility can lead to withholding errors if you fail to promptly inform your payroll department about your change in residence. It is important to note that workers are required to have taxes withheld according to their state's tax rules, regardless of their employer's location. Neglecting to update your withholding information could result in a significant tax bill or even underpayment penalties when Tax Day arrives.

Additionally, some states mandate that employers withhold taxes from the wages of nonresident employees. For instance, the state of New York requires employers to withhold state income tax from nonresidents' wages.

  1. Filing Returns in Multiple States

If you work in two or more states, it is likely that you will need to file a tax return for each state. This requirement arises because many states necessitate nonresident employees to pay state income taxes if they earned money within that state, regardless of their place of residence. Some states even mandate a tax return if you worked within their borders in any capacity, including for a business trip.

It is worth noting that individuals who live or work in one of the nine U.S. states that do not charge income tax—Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming—will not be obligated to report their income to that state.

  1. Deducting Business Expenses

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, effective until 2025, eliminated many miscellaneous tax deductions, including unreimbursed business expenses. Consequently, any out-of-pocket expenses incurred while working from home that are not reimbursed by your employer cannot be deducted from your taxes. In previous tax law, workers were able to deduct certain out-of-pocket work-related expenses that exceeded 2% of their adjusted gross income. However, this deduction is scheduled to return in 2026.

On the other hand, if you are self-employed, you can still deduct many business expenses on Schedule C of your Form 1040.

  1. Employing Workers in Multiple States

If you own a business in one state but have an employee working remotely in another state, you may be required to register your business in the employee's home state. This entails paying estimated taxes, filing tax returns, and fulfilling other reporting obligations to that state. If you find yourself in this situation, it is crucial to consult with a qualified tax professional who can guide you through the intricacies of state and federal tax laws.

In conclusion, taxes are complex, and the shift to remote work has further emphasized the importance of understanding your tax obligations, whether as an employee or an employer. If any of the aforementioned scenarios apply to you, it is highly recommended to meet with a tax advisor who can assist you in navigating the complexities of this evolving landscape.

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It is evident that the rise of remote work offers numerous advantages, such as increased flexibility and reduced expenses. However, it also brings about tax-related considerations that should not be overlooked. By staying informed and seeking expert guidance, individuals and businesses can ensure compliance with tax regulations and avoid potential pitfalls.

Recent research has shown that working from home can have a positive impact on the mental well-being of older individuals. According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, remote work can lead to reduced stress levels and increased job satisfaction for individuals nearing retirement age (University of Michigan, 2022). This finding is particularly relevant to our target audience of 60-year-olds who are Ernst & Young workers looking to retire or already existing retirees. By being aware of the potential tax issues associated with working from home, this group can not only protect their financial interests but also enjoy the added benefits of reduced stress and increased job satisfaction during their transition into retirement. 

Discover key tax issues to consider when working from home. Learn about withholding tax errors, filing returns in multiple states, deducting business expenses, and employing remote workers. As Ernst & Young workers looking to retire or an existing retiree, understanding these tax implications is crucial. The number of Americans working remotely has increased by 216% between 2005 and 2019 (GlobalWorkplaceAnalytics.com, 2021). Explore the benefits of remote work, such as reduced commuting expenses and increased flexibility, but also be aware of the challenges. Stay informed about tax obligations and consult with a tax professional to navigate this complex landscape. Don't miss out on potential deductions and avoid penalties by being proactive. 

Working from home can be compared to exploring uncharted waters. Just like sailing in unfamiliar territory, remote work brings newfound freedom and flexibility. However, much like navigating treacherous seas, there are hidden tax reefs that need to be carefully navigated. Consider these tax issues as your trusty compass, guiding you through the uncharted territory of working from home. Just as a seasoned sailor updates their charts and adjusts their course, you too must update your tax withholding and filing methods when transitioning to remote work. Failure to do so could result in tax storms and financial penalties. Stay vigilant, consult a tax professional as your first mate, and ensure smooth sailing on your remote work journey

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