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Research On Lockheed Martin Retirement

In the realm of Lockheed Martin retirement planning, the role of a trusted financial advisor extends far beyond the mere management of finances. Chris Blunt, President and CEO of F&G, emphasizes the importance of advisors in guiding clients towards a holistic approach to retirement, encompassing not just financial stability but also overall happiness and fulfillment. This includes advising on various post-retirement activities such as volunteering, working full-time or part-time, or choosing not to work at all.

A recent survey conducted by Directions Research, a leading business decision insight firm established in 1988, sheds light on the financial preparedness and decision-making of Americans aged 50 and above. The survey, conducted online from June 7 to June 16, 2023, targeted a nationally representative sample of 2,015 U.S. adults aged 18 and older. Specifically, it focused on individuals 50 years and older who are key financial decision-makers and possess $100K+ in financial products/savings.

Directions Research, a privately held firm headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, with regional offices across the country, is renowned for its innovative approaches in addressing pressing business issues. A member of the Insights Association, the firm adheres to stringent quality control processes, leveraging trusted sample partners to ensure the reliability of its findings.

It is important to note that any publication of the research findings or their implications requires authorization from Directions Research. While the firm has exercised utmost diligence in preparing this information, it does not assume responsibility for the use of this information or any decisions based on it.

A recent study by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), published in May 2023, highlights that individuals nearing retirement age, particularly those in high-level corporate positions, often overlook the psychological aspects of retirement. The study reveals that approximately 60% of prospective retirees focus primarily on financial planning, neglecting the emotional and psychological transition associated with leaving a full-time career. This oversight can lead to a challenging adjustment period post-retirement. This information underscores the importance for financial advisors to integrate psychological preparedness into their Lockheed Martin retirement planning discussions, ensuring a more holistic and satisfying transition for those approaching retirement.

Lockheed Martin Retirement planning is akin to preparing for a long-awaited, extensive voyage on a luxury liner. Just as a captain must navigate the ship through various weather conditions and seas, a financial advisor guides you through the fluctuating tides of economic uncertainty and personal aspirations. The vessel, equipped with the finest amenities, represents the comprehensive financial tools and savings - akin to the $100K+ in financial products that most over 50s in the survey hold. However, the success of the journey doesn't solely depend on the ship's robustness or the captain's skill; it's also about the experiences and fulfillment one finds on board. This includes engaging in activities like volunteering or part-time work, similar to the diverse opportunities and life choices that await in retirement. The voyage analogy encapsulates the essence of a well-rounded retirement plan that balances financial security with personal satisfaction, crucial for those embarking on this significant new chapter of life.

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For more information you can reach the plan administrator for Lockheed Martin at 6801 rockledge drive Bethesda, MD 20817; or by calling them at 863-647-0370.

Lockheed Martin*

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Bethesda, MD

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