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Why Westlake Workers Should Value Life Insurance and Trusts

In the ever-changing world of finance, one thing remains certain—death and taxes. While we cannot cheat death, there are strategies we can employ to manage taxes, particularly when it comes to estate planning. Crafting a comprehensive estate plan, including a will and a healthcare directive, is essential for everyone. However, for those with substantial wealth, anticipating potential estate taxes at the state or federal level calls for more advanced approaches, such as setting up an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT).

An ILIT offers numerous benefits for Westlake workers, serving as a tool to provide liquidity for paying estate taxes and other expenses while offering flexibility to your heirs. Let's delve into the advantages and working principles of an ILIT, keeping in mind its relevance to Westlake workers with substantial assets.

The Power of ILITs: Providing Liquidity and Flexibility

Estate taxes can be a considerable burden on your heirs, often leading to the need to sell off assets, like real estate or family businesses, to raise cash. This administrative hurdle and potential loss of cherished assets can be avoided with the help of an ILIT.

One of the primary reasons for setting up an ILIT is to equip your heirs with the flexibility to settle your estate. By owning life insurance policies within the trust, your heirs can access cash that can be used to cover estate taxes, debts, and other expenses without the necessity of selling illiquid assets. This not only protects their inheritance but also ensures they can honor your wishes and retain cherished possessions.

One key advantage of an ILIT over personal ownership of life insurance policies is that the assets held by the trust are not considered part of the estate for federal inheritance/estate tax purposes. This means your heirs won't have to pay estate or inheritance taxes on the life insurance death benefits.

Who Should Consider an ILIT?

An ILIT is particularly relevant for individuals who:

  1. Expect their estate to exceed federal and/or state tax exemption thresholds.
  2. Anticipate their heirs may need access to cash from an otherwise illiquid estate to cover taxes.
  3. Wish to manage and protect an inheritance on behalf of beneficiaries, such as minors, individuals with special needs, or those who lack financial experience.
  4. Desire to avoid probate and protect privacy for their estate.
  5. Aim to safeguard insurance benefits from divorce, creditors, and legal action against them or their beneficiaries.

Estate Strategies to Consider: A Changing Landscape

With the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the federal estate tax exclusion increased significantly to $12.92 million per person or $25.84 million for a married couple utilizing portability. While this historically high exclusion amount may make some question the necessity of an ILIT, it's essential to remember that tax laws are subject to change. The federal estate tax exclusions are not guaranteed to remain at their current levels. Moreover, state estate tax exclusions may be lower, leading to potential state estate tax liabilities even if federal taxes are avoided.

An ILIT can provide several tax advantages, but its creation is not to be taken lightly. It is a complex legal arrangement that requires professional assistance and incurs costs for setting up and maintaining the trust. The trust is irrevocable, meaning once established, the grantor generally cannot terminate it or make changes to it without adhering to state law and trust provisions. Seeking advice from a tax advisor or estate planning attorney about an ILIT is advisable if your estate may be subject to state or federal estate taxes.

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How an ILIT Works: Providing for Future Generations

An ILIT is an irrevocable trust that purchases a life insurance policy on the grantor. For couples, a survivorship or second-to-die policy is typically chosen, with the death benefit paid out upon the passing of the surviving spouse.

When the grantor or surviving spouse dies, the insurance proceeds flow into the ILIT and are eventually distributed to trust beneficiaries, often children, grandchildren, or other family members. The manner of distribution depends on the trust's structure, which may allow beneficiaries to access the funds soon after the insured person's death or have the assets distributed incrementally over time.

Making Gifts Count: Premium Payments and Tax Considerations

Premium payments for policies owned by the ILIT are generally funded by gifts made by the grantor. To qualify for any available annual exclusions from the federal gift tax, beneficiaries are typically given a short window of time after a gift is made (commonly 30 days) during which they can withdraw their share of the gift, up to the annual exclusion amount (e.g., $17,000 in 2023 per grantor, per beneficiary). It's crucial for beneficiaries to understand the estate planning goals and the impact of withdrawing their gifts to maximize the effectiveness of this approach.

Choosing the Right Insurance and Trustee

For the life insurance within the ILIT, both term life insurance and permanent insurance options, such as whole life or universal life, can be considered. Many Westlake employees opt for permanent life insurance since the primary purpose of the ILIT is to transfer wealth to heirs, which can only happen if the policy remains in force at the time of death. Term policies may have age restrictions, while permanent policies provide coverage for life with a guaranteed death benefit.

When setting up an ILIT, it is vital to research the strength of the life insurance company issuing the policy. Choosing a company with a balance of low premiums and high-quality credit ratings ensures peace of mind over the long term. Additionally, selecting an experienced trustee is critical for administering the ILIT efficiently and responsibly.

Conclusion: Securing Your Wealth and Legacy

In conclusion, an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) can be a powerful tool for protecting your wealth, providing liquidity for your estate, and ensuring your legacy is preserved according to your wishes. As we navigate a constantly evolving financial landscape, safeguarding your assets and providing for future generations becomes paramount. By working with estate planning attorneys and tax advisors, you can explore the benefits of an ILIT and tailor it to your unique circumstances. Whether you are approaching retirement or are already enjoying it, incorporating an ILIT into your estate plan may offer valuable peace of mind and protection for your loved ones.

According to a recent survey conducted by AARP in 2023, 75% of Americans aged 60 and above expressed concern about leaving a financial burden on their loved ones due to estate taxes and other expenses. An Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) can be a vital solution to alleviate these worries. By using an ILIT as part of your estate planning strategy, you can provide your heirs with the much-needed flexibility to settle your estate and access cash without selling cherished assets. This tax-savvy approach ensures that the life insurance death benefits are exempt from estate tax and can be passed on to your beneficiaries seamlessly, safeguarding your legacy and protecting your family's future financial well-being.

Discover the Power of Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs) for Wealth Preservation and Legacy Protection. Learn how ILITs can help Westlake workers approaching retirement and existing retirees manage estate taxes efficiently. With the top federal estate tax rate for 2023 at 40%, an ILIT can provide flexibility to heirs by avoiding forced sales of cherished assets to cover taxes. The trust's assets won't be considered part of the estate for tax purposes, ensuring your beneficiaries won't pay estate or inheritance taxes on life insurance death benefits. A tax-savvy approach to providing liquidity, ILITs safeguard insurance benefits from divorce, creditors, and legal actions. Expertly crafted to preserve your wealth and support your family's financial future.

Setting up an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) is like constructing a robust financial fortress to protect your legacy. Just as a fortress shields precious treasures from external threats, an ILIT shields your wealth and loved ones from the burden of estate taxes and forced asset sales. Picture it as a carefully crafted shield, ensuring that your life insurance benefits pass on smoothly to your beneficiaries, free from the grip of estate taxes. Like a shield that stands the test of time, an ILIT's permanence and tax advantages safeguard your family's financial future, allowing you to leave a lasting legacy of security and prosperity.

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