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9 Investment Hazards For Small Business Owners Employees and Retirees


Table of Contents

Tips for Beginning Investors


In 2021, the financial markets achieved all-time highs, reflecting an expanding economy. The emergence of complex weather occurrences and political and geopolitical changes made the climate difficult for investors to navigate. Experience has taught us that discipline and perseverance are necessary for effective investing, especially for Small Business Owners employees and retirees. A focus on long-term investments might be beneficial when emotions run high.


According to a recent study published in the Journal of Financial Planning, the risk of longevity is one of the most significant investment hazards facing retirees today. With people living longer than ever before, the potential for running out of money during retirement has become a real concern. This highlights the importance of taking steps to protect against longevity risk, such as incorporating annuities into your retirement plan or adjusting your withdrawal rate to account for a longer retirement period.

Even though balancing continual changes might be challenging, maintaining a stable course can protect you against turbulence and unpredictability. We've created a list of typical errors and guidelines to assist you and other Small Business Owners workers and retirees in overcoming these obstacles.

Believing Investing is a Smooth Ride


It is virtually impossible to predict the market's top and bottom with precision.

Even though the financial markets have generally done well, investors must realize that nothing is permanent. The dot-com bubble of the 1990s and the Great Recession of the 2000s teach us that high markets will inevitably decline. In a turbulent market, Small Business Owners employees may still discover opportunities to increase their wealth. In order to keep ahead of market trends, it is vital to plan for market falls. The impulse to withdraw from volatile markets can outweigh long-term objectives. Rather of fleeing during turbulent times, you may need to rebalance your investing portfolio. You can take advantage of opportunities to act on underpriced assets, limit risk, and boost return potential by remaining flexible.

Active portfolio management permits these types of investing decisions. But before you act, it is a good idea to develop the investment strategy that will guide your actions. Retrenching and beginning again each time can make it challenging to catch up. We are professionals at assisting Small Business Owners employees, such as yourself, in developing sound, adaptable investing strategies.

Trying to Time the Market


During market rallies or declines, it may be tempting to look for the best time to sell or buy. The issue, however, is that investors frequently predict incorrectly, so missing out on the finest market opportunities. For instance, the S&P 500's* annual compound rate was 11.9% between 1986 and 2005, notwithstanding Black Monday, the dot-com bubble, 9/11, and other events.

Ten thousand dollars invested in 1986 would have risen to more than ninety-four thousand dollars within that time span (excluding investment fees and expenses). Throughout that period, however, the average return on investment was only 3.9%, suggesting that the same $10,000 grew to slightly more than $21,000.


Attempting market timing is one explanation. When individuals invest on the high and withdraw on the low, they may miss out on possibilities because they lack patience. The issue is that equity gains are frequently possible in a relatively short period of time. If you are not in the stock when it begins to move, you can miss the entire play.

The conclusion? It is nearly hard to anticipate the market's peak and bottom with precision. No one can regularly accomplish it. We encounter numerous Small Business Owners employees and retirees who have attempted and failed. Little course corrections may be a more effective strategy for staying on course. The S&P 500 is an unmanaged index in which direct investment is not possible. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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Taking Too Much Risk


Not timing the market is something different. Another error is having an excessively risky portfolio. Risk is the possibility that your investment will perform differently than anticipated. During the bull market era of the mid-1990s and early-2000s, capital rushed into equities, typically speculative tech and internet firms.

Many investors fled the low-priced value stocks in search of bigger profits. When a bear market ensued after 9/11, the tech sector collapsed, while many value companies weathered the storm. To avoid missing out on the dot-com boom, investors who took on excessive risk undoubtedly saw their portfolios suffer a harsh battering.

Portfolio risk may be deceptive. A varied portfolio of stocks, bonds, and alternatives may appear to be sufficient for risk management, but it is only one component. Your portfolio could be jeopardized if you correlate these investments, that is, if they move in comparable ways. If your investments respond uniformly to market decreases, you may raise the chance of losing your entire investment portfolio.


The objective is to assume a level of risk consistent with your long-term objectives. While analyzing your portfolio, consider the following:

  • Are you overly involved in a single asset class, industry, or region?

  • How many alternative investments do you hold?

  • Do you possess numerous similar investments or is there excessive overlap?

  • Is the structure of your portfolio appropriate for your long-term objectives, investment horizon, and risk tolerance?

Taking Too Little Risk


In addition to having a negative impact on your portfolio, playing the market cautiously and taking on too little risk may have a negative effect. While minimizing risk may appear like a prudent strategy, you may miss out on significant market rises. During instances of market volatility, many Small Business Owners employees gravitate toward low-risk investments such as U.S. Treasuries and cash. This aversion to risk can have an impact on long-term investments, as too many fixed-rate investments can limit the profitability of a portfolio. Inflation is a significant problem for long-term investing, and insufficient growth in your investments can leave you short in retirement. Despite S&P 500 record highs in 2019 and 2020, investors withdrew billions of dollars from stocks in both years, the most since 2004.

Investors may be acting more cautiously due to a number of issues, including persistent global uncertainty and market worries. By attempting to limit portfolio losses, investors may be exposing themselves to inflation, high valuations, and greater-than-anticipated volatility. While stocks have a bigger possibility for loss than short-term, fixed-rate investments, they also have a greater potential for profit. For many investors, relying solely on investments that hold their value during market volatility is a luxury that is unattainable.

While inflation annually erodes cash reserves, the majority of investors require at least some growth-oriented assets. We believe that sufficient levels of risk have a place in the financial portfolios of Small Business Owners employees and retirees. Consult your investment professional to see if you should take on further risk. Consider the following inquiries:

  • How many growth-oriented investments do I have in my portfolio?

  • Can I afford to incur short-term losses in exchange for long-term profits?

  • Could I afford to rely on Social Security or other income if the value of my investments were to decline?

  • How comfortable am I with taking on additional risk for the possibility of greater investment returns?

  • Could I live off my investments without incurring further risk?

Making Emotionally-Driven Investing Choices


Emotional decision-making may wreak havoc on the most meticulously crafted financial strategy during market fluctuations. A vast number of investors lost money during the 2008 mortgage crisis. Fearing that the markets were crashing, several investors cashed out at the bottom. Nonetheless, despite the market rebound, some investors continue to take insufficient risk and keep their money on the sidelines. The recollections of the accident are ingrained. Generation X investors (born between 1965 and 1981) have witnessed numerous market declines, making them more prone to emotional investment decisions. Even when working with a professional, some investors may still make emotional choices.

57% of investors who engage with financial professionals still panic and sell during market declines, according to one survey. Fear and avarice can readily influence our financial choices. Fear can force us to abandon an investment strategy if we do not achieve the desired result. Greed might encourage us to chase investment trends and assume excessive risk. You can help your long-term investment goals by avoiding these emotional decisions. As investment representatives for Small Business Owners, we can be the voice of reason when emotions are running high.

We urge all our Small Business Owners clients to have faith in us during these trying times. Remember that we can answer your questions, give you confidence, and show you the opportunity that unpredictable markets may present.

Concentrating More on Returns Than Risk Management


Many Small Business Owners employees make grave mistakes by going after results. Purchasing an investment based on its historical performance is not a good method for predicting future winners. The portfolios of many Small Business Owners employees were adversely affected when popular growth stocks in the 1990s unexpectedly witnessed a decline in value. If a specific asset class consistently outperforms for three or four years, you can be certain of one thing: you should have invested three or four years ago. Usually, by the time the average investor decides to invest, seasoned investors have already rebalanced their portfolios.

Meanwhile, unsophisticated capital continues to flood into the venture much after its peak. Don't make this mistake. Instead of chasing profits, adhere to your strategy, rebalance, and concentrate on investments with solid fundamentals.

Failing to Diversify


These are some situations in which you would not make a Roth roi: Warren Buffett famously stated that diversification is a 'protection against ignorance,' meaning that no one can know everything about an investment or forecast the future. The first step in a diversification plan is to hold a diverse portfolio of stocks, bonds, and cash. You can also include other investments, such as real estate, that correspond to your investment objectives and profile. Diversification allows you to avoid investing heavily in a single asset type. If your portfolio is overly concentrated in a single sector during a market surge or downturn, the resulting dynamics could be catastrophic. The second component of a well diversified portfolio is asset class diversification. Holding too much of one company's stock can be a formula for disaster, which is a crucial error that many Small Business Owners employees make when investing.

Suppose you lost your job at Small Business Owners and access to your stock; you could lose your retirement savings all at once. Some specialists advocate a 10% cap. To mitigate this risk, invest in a broad portfolio comprising small-cap, large-cap, international, and sector-diverse stocks. While a market downturn may damage one firm or sector, a gain in another may offset the loss. Diversification and asset reallocation cannot guarantee a profit or prevent a loss. There is no assurance that a diversified portfolio will increase total returns or perform better than a non-diversified portfolio. Alternative investments may not be suited for all investors and should be examined as part of the portfolio's risk capital allocation. The management practices adopted for alternative investments may accelerate the rate of possible losses.

Investment in small-cap companies may be associated with greater market volatility and potential return risk than investing in larger, more established organizations. Investing internationally has dangers not linked with investing just in the United States. They include currency swings, political risks, variances in accounting procedures, and the reduced amount of public disclosure required from non-U.S. companies. companies.

Ignoring the Impact of Taxes


Always consider the after-tax return of an investment when evaluating it. A 5% return appears superior to a 3% return at first glance. But, the situation changes if the 5% return was from taxable stock dividends and the 3% return was from tax-free municipal bonds.

With a hypothetical yearly return of 6%, a $10,000 investment may be worth $17,908 after 10 years. Yet, after hypothetical state and federal taxes of 5% and 25%, you would be left with only $11,228. These taxes reduce your annual return to a mere 1.2%.


Tax evasion never pays.
* This example is provided for illustrative purposes only. It is not meant to represent past or future investment performance for any particular investment. Your own investment performance may exceed or fall short of this example.

You must consider tax implications anytime you:

  • Purchase or sale of assets

  • Create a financial plan.

  • Discuss your estate and charitable giving intentions.

  • Give presents

Recall that the federal government taxes dividends, interest, rent on real estate, and capital gains. So, it is essential to structure your investments efficiently in order to minimize your tax liability. To reduce tax liabilities, one investment approach is to allocate a portion of the portfolio to assets that generate tax-free income, such as municipal bonds.

This technique may not work for everyone, but it illustrates how forward-looking strategies can help you arrange your portfolio with care. Tax concerns should be discussed with your investment representative and tax professionals. They can assist you in determining which solutions are optimal.

While taxes should not be overlooked, successful investing strategies focus on the investor's investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

Municipal bonds are subject to price and availability fluctuations. If sold prior to maturity, they are susceptible to interest rate and market risk. The value of bonds will decrease as interest rates rise. The alternative minimum tax may apply to interest income. Municipal bonds are exempt from federal taxation, although state and municipal taxes may apply.

Federal Effective Tax Rates


(percentage of Cash Income)


As of 2019, the sources are the Peter G. Peterson Foundation and the Tax Policy Center. The effective federal tax rate is determined by dividing total federal taxes paid by cash income.

Neglecting Professional Counsel


Unawareness of one's own errors can result in a negative investment experience. In studies measuring people's perceptions of whether they are better than the average person at a given task, approximately 90% of respondents believe they are. In actuality, the vast majority of people cannot be above average, implying that many individuals lack self-awareness. And the same logic applies to individuals who choose to invest on their own.

As a result, having someone assist you in making reasonable financial selections can assist you in overcoming your own irrational ideas. In fact, 40% of Americans do not even know how to plan for retirement, despite the fact that 74% of those surveyed say they need more retirement preparation. Yet, professional counsel can aid. Individuals who collaborate with a financial representative are more confident in their ability to achieve their retirement objectives. Effective long-term investment involves the ability to position and rebalance one's portfolio in order to weather bear and bull markets. This amount of complication can make dealing with an investment representative essential to achieving your objectives.

Individually pursuing returns and adopting cookie-cutter strategies is dangerous. We believe training, cautious management, and a commitment to a long-term, active investment strategy are required to successfully navigate today's tumultuous investing environment.


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Investors who recognize and avoid these nine typical mistakes may have an advantage in their pursuit of investment objectives. A long-term investment approach necessitates a customized strategy that takes into consideration your present and future needs, investing horizon, and risk tolerance. These criteria assist ensure that regardless of the short-term market performance, your assets will be positioned to achieve your long-term objectives.


Investment hazards can be compared to the risks associated with climbing a mountain. Just as climbers must assess and mitigate potential dangers such as avalanches, rock falls, and changes in weather conditions, investors must evaluate and manage various risks such as market volatility, inflation, and economic downturns. Climbers who are not prepared or lack proper gear may suffer injuries or even lose their lives, just as investors who are not adequately diversified or fail to research their investments may suffer financial losses. Both climbing and investing require careful planning, attention to detail, and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances in order to reach the summit or achieve long-term financial goals.

Throughout the journey, it may be vital to adhere to your strategies and not let your emotions take over. While it is impossible to foresee the direction in which markets will go, generally speaking, every disadvantage has a potential upside elsewhere. With dedication and concentration, you may strategically transform your financial aspirations into realities. Ultimately, investment professionals can utilize their experience to assist you in achieving your objectives, allowing you to relax and enjoy life.


Please contact us if you have any queries about the material contained in this report or if you would like more information about our services and experience. We are pleased to meet with you to assist you in achieving your financial goals.

About The Retirement Group    


The Retirement Group is a nation-wide group of financial advisors who work together as a team.


We focus entirely on retirement planning and the design of retirement portfolios for transitioning corporate employees. Each representative of the group has been hand selected by The Retirement Group in select cities of the United States. Each advisor was selected based on their pension expertise, experience in financial planning, and portfolio construction knowledge.TRG takes a teamwork approach in providing the best possible solutions for our clients’ concerns. The Team has a conservative investment philosophy and diversifies client portfolios with laddered bonds, CDs, mutual funds, ETFs, Annuities, Stocks and other investments to help achieve their goals. The team addresses Retirement, Pension, Tax, Asset Allocation, Estate, and Elder Care issues. This document utilizes various research tools and techniques.


A variety of assumptions and judgmental elements are inevitably inherent in any attempt to estimate future results and, consequently, such results should be viewed as tentative estimations. Changes in the law, investment climate, interest rates, and personal circumstances will have profound effects on both the accuracy of our estimations and the suitability of our recommendations. The need for ongoing sensitivity to change and for constant re-examination and alteration of the plan is thus apparent.Therefore, we encourage you to have your plan updated a few months before your potential retirement date as well as an annual review. It should be emphasized that neither The Retirement Group, LLC nor any of its employees can engage in the practice of law or accounting and that nothing in this document should be taken as an effort to do so.


We look forward to working with tax and/or legal professionals you may select to discuss the relevant ramifications of our recommendations. Throughout your retirement years we will continue to update you on issues affecting your retirement through our complimentary and proprietary newsletters, workshops and regular updates. You may always reach us at (800) 900-5867.



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